Sushant Verma - Founding Partner // Design Head

Our Story
Sushant Verma (M.Arch. Em.Tech. – AA London, B.Arch. SSAA New Delhi, MCoA India) is a Design Entrepreneur, Architect, Computational Designer & Educator, currently leading rat[LAB] Studio (Research in Architecture and Technology) that investigates intersections of design, art & technology through architecture, interior design and art installations. Former architect at Zaha Hadid Architects, London & a Sr. Editor at Arch2O, he has held teaching positions at a number of universities internationally & is involved in education for computation & parametric design. He is the founder of rat[LAB] EDUCATION, which is an initiative to spread the idea of computation in design through independently-organized design workshops for profession and academia. Recipient of MAK Schindler Award from Vienna & Los Angeles and a finalist for AIA Emerging Leaders Fellowship from Chicago, his work is widely published and exhibited in London, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, San Francisco, Taipei, New Delhi, Mumbai among other places. He has been shortlisted in New Delhi among 5 architects for ’20 under 35’ Exhibition at Alliance Francaise de Delhi, featured as iGen 2017 Top 50 Gen-Next Designers in India, tagged as ‘Rising Star’ by Surfaces Reporter India, among other features. Sushant joined the elite list of TEDx Speakers by speaking at TEDxGurugram on ‘Smart Cities need Smarter Design Education’. His second TEDxTalk was recently given at the prestigious IIT KGP where he inspired the young professionals to pursue their passions in Design & Technology. He was recently selected to be a MentorOfChange for Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) by NITI Aayog (National Institute for Transforming India), a policy think tank by Government of India where he shares his knowledge of design technologies to school students pursuing high school education to inculcate a culture of innovation and R&D in India. He also started and currently heads Smart Labs – India’s first 6 month hybrid programme on Computational Design that blends studio learning and e-learning using a technology-oriented approach. His third TEDxTalk was delivered at IIT Bhubaneswar on Diffusion of Technology in Architecture recently.
He has previously worked at RoboFold London, focusing on development of advanced fabrication and software systems for use of robotics in architectural fabrication. He has also worked in New Delhi with a number of renowned architecture and urbanism firms and his work has been published and exhibited internationally in the United Kingdom, Europe and India.
His current research interests are focused on relationship studies between simplicity and complexity in architecture, continuing his published work on Plectic Architecture. His parallel on-going research focuses on ‘super-complexity’ and parametric design in architecture with digital-analogue fabrication and computation as primary aspects as well as computational tool development for optimizing architectural processes.