DigitalFUTURES WORLD : Manifesto
We face an uncertain future. Not only is there much uncertainty regarding the virus, but many businesses are also encountering economic challenges. Many of the accepted tenets on which life has been based hitherto have been called into question. Urbanistically, the very notion of the dense city that has been promoted in recent years has been undermined. Will anyone want to live in a city like New York, or will everyone want to flee to the countryside? Will an urbanism of social distancing - so long dismissed as urban sprawl - become the norm?
But the virus has also highlighted the benefits of the digital. Online shopping, zoom meetings, and contactless payment have proved invaluable. Will we ever return to the old days of High Street shopping, physical meetings and cash in our pockets? And what will be the new possibilities afforded by these tools?
This initiative brings together these two themes, the Digital and the Future, to create an online platform for a continuous, week long series of talks and workshops, exploring every aspect of the potential impact of the digital on our lives. In so doing this initiative itself becomes an example of the new possibilities afforded by the digital.
It is recognized that many of us are now in a state of extreme distress. Financial hardship is everywhere. This initiative calls upon our leading thinkers, designers and technologists to generously give their time as a gesture of solidarity for a world that has suffered collectively. This is a non-profit event that is available for free to audiences across the world. Any proceeds will go to charities to support medical professionals battling Covid 19.

rat[LAB]EDUCATION Workshops at digitalFUTURES 2020
rat[LAB]EDUCATION was invited to organize workshops as a part of digital FUTURES 2020 in line with their Manifesto looking at the current pandemic situation. Two unique workshops were curated by rat[LAB]EDUCATION open to a global audience and taught across distinct timezone.
Workshop A: Scalable Tectonics: Speculative Futures
Time Zone: Europe-MidEast-Africa
Workshop Leader: Sushant Verma / rat[LAB] – Research in Architecture and Technology
Workshop B: Robotic 3D Printing: Bridging Design and Robotics
Time Zone: North-South Americas
Workshop Leader: Pradeep Devadass + Sushant Verma /
The Bartlett UCL + Design Exchange (B-made) + rat[LAB]
Gallery of Participant Works
Workshop A: Scalable Tectonics: Speculative Futures at digitalFUTURES World 2020
Coming Soon [ IN PRESS ]
Scalable Tectonics:Speculative Futures
Edited by Sushant Verma with workshop participants
A compendium of the experimental design studio with speculations of the future of built environment, pedagogy, interviews and other thought-provoking insights.