Cluster [03]
Complex Geometries & Architectural Patterns using Maya & Blender
Tutors: Angélica Videla C. & Gonzalo Muñoz Guerrero [ UK / Chile ]
(Zaha Hadid Architects, FAU UChile, Complex_Geometries)
Date:6th & 7th August 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM GMT
[Pls convert to your local timezone]
Duration: 2 DAYS // 8 Hours on both days (incl. of breaks)
Location: ONLINE // Interactive Zoom Workshop
Registration Fee: $125

[ ] Workshop Title
Complex Geometries & Architectural Patterns using Maya & Blender
[ ] Key Software / Tech to be taught
Procedural Modelling, Topology, Mesh modelling, Form-finding through Autodesk Maya
[ ] Workshop Description
In this workshop participants will explore how to design with a procedural polygon modelling methodology through a process that breaks down a complicated task into discrete modelling operations. We will look into the importance of topology and the advantages of low-poly procedural modelling with Maya and explore how procedural modelling increases the output of iterative design through reproducible stages of transformation. The ambition is to gain a basic understanding of the logic behind working with meshes in Maya. In addition, the participants will also learn how to model with high-poly meshes through the exploration of architectural patterns. The workshop will last two days, each day will be broken down into two four-hour sessions. The first day will include a general introduction to Computational Thinking followed by tutorials. The following day will consist of tutorials, guiding the participants through various examples and features of procedural polygon modelling. At the end of each day, the participants will have a chance to consult the instructors to develop their design projects. The skills that will be explored include procedural polygon modelling with low-poly and high-poly meshes, sculptural mesh modelling and discrete modelling operations. The workshop will be taught using Maya and Blender. A series of modelling examples will be demonstrated and provided to the participants as a starting point for their design work. The prerequisite knowledge of the workshop is a beginner understanding of Maya and mesh modelling. Workshop participants who have experience with Maya and Blender will be able to further adapt and expand on the techniques taught within the workshop.
The workshop is suitable for any designer wanting to learn Maya & Blender for architectural geometries. Prior experience in Maya or Blender is not a requisite. The workshop will cover multiple modelling techniques in Maya relevant to designing of complex geometries for architectural context.
[ ] Workshop Inclusions
2-Day Live ONLINE Workshop
Live interaction & trouble-shooting with Tutor
Example / Workshop Files for future access & practice
6 month access to recordings of all sessions from the online workshop for future reference & practice
[ ] Keywords
#proceduralmodelling #topology #polysupershape #formfinding #mayamodelling #mayaautodesk #parametricdesign #parametricarchitecture #meshmodeling #parametric #blender3d #blender
[ ] Workshop Duration & Type
2 DAYS // 8 Hours on both days (incl. of breaks)
ONLINE // Interactive Zoom Workshop
[ ] Detailed Schedule
Day 1: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm GMT
AM: Session 1 – Introduction Computational Thinking, Setup, and Maya Basics (low-poly components)
PM: Session 2 – Procedural Polygon Modelling & Topological Patterns
Day 2: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm GMT
AM: Session 3 - Morphing Patterns
PM: Session 4 - Blender * Project work session
[ ] Tutor Details
Angélica Videla C. is an Academic at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, Angélica co-directs the Design Studio 6 Technological Integration and the Specialization Course in Advanced Digital Design in Complex Geometries. Her ongoing research focuses on computational design, with a specific interest in structural geometries optimized for digital fabrication, 3D printing, and robotic fabrication. She also worked as Director of BIM Forum Chile. Previously, she worked in architecture studios in France and the United Kingdom, where her experience at Zaha Hadid Architects stands out. Angélica studied Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile and at the ENSAPB in Paris. She also holds a Master’s with honours from the Design Research Lab of the Architectural Association in London, UK.
Gonzalo Muñoz Guerrero is a teaching assistant of the Design Studio 6 Technological Integration and the Specialization Course in Advanced Digital Design in Complex Geometries at the University of Chile. His research is focused on self-structured geometries based on computer design processes. He is a computational designer and member of LOW Studio a Chilean office of Architecture and Design and he is the founder of Estudio Fractal an architectural visualization studio based in Santiago, Chile. Gonzalo is an architect titled with honours from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile and at the ENSAP Bordeaux and he has been nominated for the Young Talent Architecture Award 2020 by the Mies Van the Rohe Foundation.
[ ] List of FAQ / Workshop Requisites
Q1 Which versions of programs are used?
A1 Any versions of Maya & Blender
Q2 Previous experience in Maya required?
A2 No. Anyone with basic 3D modelling skills can easily learn Maya & Blender through this workshop.
Software download links, Zoom meeting links & other relevant workshop instructions would be sent 2 days prior to start of workshop via e-mail to your registered e-mail ID.
[ ] Recording Provided?
YES. 6-months access would be provided to all workshop participants for practice.
Recorded version is made available after the workshop, as per Cluster Tutor(s)'s discretion. (Free for participants; ticketed for non-participants)
Check Explara Ticketing platform for availability. [Recording Ticket Purchase activates after end of workshop only - for anyone who has not registered to attend LIVE]
Recording is for personal academic use only & comes with copyrights to control re-distribution & transmission (to be signed by buyer).
Participation certificate would be issued to workshop participants. Participation Certificates would NOT be provided to buyers of recorded version after the end of the workshop.