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Redefining Architecture through Parametric Design, Computation & Research

About Us

rat[LAB]  - Research in Architecture & Technology, is an independent research organization and network of designers & researchers specializing in computational design or similar technology-related domains. Operated as a cloud-based organization with an international network of researchers & computational designers spread across UK, USA, Europe & Asia, and a studio in New Delhi, India,  the research cell functions as a global collaborative and multidisciplinary laboratory facilitating design research that leads to novel spatial tectonics and smart built environments.


The research agendas broadly focus on use of computational design & parametric design in architecture, with intersections between design & technology spread across scales and disciplines. rat[LAB] offers collaborations to architecture and design firms to develop systemic models using advanced computational techniques and carry out project-specific or agenda-specific research in all fields of design.

Why a Research Cell?

Majority of architectural firms around the world are not equipped with in-house research units with state-of-the-art knowledge in computational technology and parametric design. Designs may lack advanced research and project workflow is usually inefficient & unproductive due to inadequate (or no) use of computational design techniques. These techniques are being developed today at a growing rate and can potentially change the way design is practiced, processed and articulated. Computation (with its varied subsets) is one of the most advanced and growing area of research that potentially takes control of all design tools and processes at multiple scales, and is utilized by majority of leading architects & designers around the globe.


rat[LAB] aims at facilitating architects & designers as specialists to introduce advanced research and optimize designs, workflows, modelling techniques and processes by adding a scientific approach with computation at its core.



July 2015

rat[LAB] Co-founder Sushant Verma's Interview on 'Computational Design' is published in July 2015 Issue (Young Designers) of Architecture Update Magazine. Sushant talks about use of Computational Design in the Indian context and its integration in rat[LAB]'s approach on projects of varied scales & typologies

Cellular Morphology Facade featured in journals, magazines, weblogs & news

March / April 2015

Cellular Morphology Facade project featured in a number of print journals, weblogs, magazines & news.

Shortlisted for 20under35 Exhibition at Alliance Francaise de Delhi 2015.

February 2015

Sushant Verma + rat[LAB] was shortlisted to be a part of 20 designers/practices from Delhi ( 5 from architecture / habitat category ) for DesignXDesign 2015 20under35 annual exhibition being held at Alliance Francaise de Delhi from 05th Feb 2015 to 25th February 2015.

rat[LAB] Delhi Studio inaugurated in December 2014

23 December 2014

rat[LAB] established its first permanent studio in New Delhi, India, led by Sushant Verma, connecting the international network of rat[LAB] to a single hub.

Workshop at CEPT University, India for Winter School 2014

01-20 December 2014

DESIGN FANTASIES: Emerging Forms in Space was organized at CEPT University, INDIA as a part of CEPT Winter School 2014. Sushant Verma taught at the workshop as a computation specialist, led by Ar. Urvi Sheth.

Featured article in Fensterbau Frontale India Tab (Issue VII) Nov 2014

Novermber 2014

Computational Technology for Smart Building Façades, by Sushant Verma, published in 'Fensterbau Frontale India Tab - Amalgamating Science & Art in Building Facades'.

Lecture at Dwight School New York

24 September 2014

Sushant Verma & Pradeep Devadass were invited to give a lecture at Dwight School New York to demonstrate concepts of passive dynamic architecture.

Presentation at Hall Of Science- Maker Faire New York 2014

21 September 2014

Sushant Verma & Pradeep Devadass gave a public talk & presentation titled"adaptive [skins] : Smart Materials and Dynamic Systems in Architecture" at MAKE LIVE STAGE at Hall of Science at MF2014.

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Key Goals


Our key goal is to narrow down the gap between architecture and technology, with respect to design process, methodology and workflow, for projects ranging across scales & disciplines.


Our key agendas are:


-Design-to-Fabrication Workflow

-Geometry Optimization

-Material Intelligence

-Cost Optimization

-Enhancing Design Experience





rat[LAB] provides consultancy services to architecture and design firms to facilitate them on projects by adding a new dimension of 'computation based research' supported by our global team of specialists from various disciplines. With data sharing and communication made easy in today’s date through cloud networks, we are able to plug-in to your firm as consultants providing advanced computational skills to optimize your project workflow, carry out spatial and engineering analysis, as well as aiding in parametric design solutions.




- Computational Design

- Parametric Design

- Parametric Form Development

- Computational Urban Design

- Facade Design

- Advanced Building Modelling

- Spatial Analysis

- Engineering Analysis

- Digital Fabrication

- Educational Workshops

- Custom Tool Development

- Product Design

- Interactive Spaces & Exhibitions

Open Call for Collaborations & Research Proposals


You’re The Designer! is a platform that offers the power of parametric design to the common man through a mobile and web based app. The platform allows the users to control & customize various products and design it for their use. The idea is to simplify the complex computational framework behind parametric design and embed it in a simple, easy-to-use app that can be downloaded from a generic app store for android or similar platforms. 

The project is currently at testing stage (beta version).






You're The Designer_Beta Version // Mobile App


Featured Work


rat[LAB] EDUCATION is an initiative by rat[LAB] to start a new discourse in architecture & parallel design disciplines with the use of ‘computational design’ & it’s various subsets. Spread across various cities / countries, we are establishing a global dialogue in the domain of computational design by actively organizing and participating in workshops, lectures, presentations & symposiums. While rat[LAB] has taken a top-down approach of exploring computational design through industry, a parallel, bottom-up approach is also in-line to involve students of all levels, from design & related backgrounds. 

Upcoming Workshops

Global Visiting School London 2022

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