Computing for Metaverse: Software Marathon
2-DAY Workshop on Computational Design
Global Visiting School LONDON 2022_Extended
Level: [Basic + Intermediate + Advanced Tool-kits]
Tools: [Maya + Unreal Engine + Rhinoceros3D + Grasshopper3D]
// Level
Basic, Intermediate & Advanced
(Previous software knowledge not obligatory - Studio is adaptive to new & advanced users)
// Agenda
In futurism and science fiction, the metaverse is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets. In colloquial use, a metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. The term "metaverse" originated in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe". Metaverse development is often linked to advancing virtual reality technology due to increasing demands for immersion. Recent interest in metaverse development is influenced by Web3, a concept for a decentralized iteration of the internet. Web3 and the Metaverse have been used as buzzwords to exaggerate development progress of various related technologies and projects for public relations purposes.
"Computing for Metaverse" is a 2-day Workshop in the format of a Software Marathon covering the latest tools & workflows to design and implement for the emerging world of metaverse - and learn computational design in the process of doing so. Maya, Unreal Engine, Rhino3D & Grasshopper3D will integrate into the 2-day workshop to create a virtual world through Computational Design.
The workshop aims to provide a detailed insight to ‘computational & parametric design’ and embedded logics behind it through a series of design explorations using multiple integrated platforms like Maya, Unreal Engine, Rhinoceros & Grasshopper, along with understanding of concepts related to the Metaverse.
// Methodology
Workshop has been structured to teach participants the use of multiple software and integrate them in a workflow to create a digital metaverse environment as a generative process, and ways to integrate it with architectural design process. There will be a focus on parametric modulation of geometry that can lead to a design process that utilizes data to inform geometry and space through use of multiple software that would be introduced during the 2-day workshop.
// City & Dates
London, UK: 10th & 11th December 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Anglo Educational Services
The West Room, Richbell House
5 Richbell Place, Holborn,
London WC1N 3LA,
United Kingdom
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/f6Bo41W4ofopTvmx8
// Schedule
DAY 01
Maya 3D
Guest Lecture 01
DAY 02
Unreal Engine
Guest Lecture 02
Metaverse Integration
Closing Remarks & Reviews
Timings for both days would be 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (Venue: Anglo Educational Services, Holborn)
Each day would be followed by an optional informal session with tutors & organizing team. (Not obligatory to attend).
// Workshop Inclusions
2-Day Live Studio Workshop
Online Resources curated for the workshop
Example Files for future access & practice
1 Year access to recordings of all sessions from 2-day workshop for future reference & practice
Demo tool-kits for future use & developing advanced skills.
Participation Certificate issued by rat[LAB]EDUCATION
A- Student Category : £ 125
(Currently enrolled in a B.Arch. / BA / B.Sc. or equivalent undergraduate programmes)
B- Academics / Post-graduate students /PhD Researchers : £ 185
(Currently enrolled in a M.Arch. / MA / M.Sc. or equivalent postgraduate programmes)
C- Professionals / Graduates: £ 225
(Currently working / practicing architecture or similar profession)
D- Online Pass (Future Access): £ 125
(Any category for access of workshop content ONLINE - Recorded Version - NOT LIVE)
[ Included in A, B & C ticket types by default ]
*GROUP DISCOUNTS (15% off for Group of 3) // (25% off for Group of 6).
For queries, send e-mail to education@rat-lab.org with Subject Line: London Metaverse Workshop
*Please note that all participants will be required to submit ID proof and student / academic status as per category. Failure to submit a proof of student status (or graduation year proof) will lead to a non-refundable cancellation.
Registrations Open: 23rd Nov 2022
Registrations End: 2330 hrs GMT, 7th Dec 2022 [Registration will close earlier if all spots are filled up]
// Tutors & Speakers
Gulzar Ahmed Khan (AA DRL, UK), Su Abac (AA DRL, UK) & Shardul Awasthi (AA DRL, UK) will be the Studio Tutors for this workshop.
The 2-day workshop is conceptualized by rat[LAB]EDUCATION Co-Founder Sushant Verma (Architect, Computational Designer, Educator).
Two guest lectures from designers from Zaha Hadid Architects (AA DRL Graduates) will be done across the 2-days with Q&A session.

// Software & skills
Basic 3D modelling skills in any software are preferred but not obligatory.
Participants should bring their own laptop with pre-installed software.
Additional Plug-ins & tools will be provided during the workshop.
// Software Downloads
Maya can be downloaded from here.
Unreal Engine can be downloaded from here.
Rhino free version can be downloaded from here.
Grasshopper free-version can be downloaded here.
Additional software & plug-ins will be provided in the workshop.
// Eligibility & Visa Rules
Workshop is open to architecture and design students, academicians and professionals from all parts of UK & EU.
Having an educational background of architecture or similar spatial design stream is a requisite. Basic knowledge of 3D modelling is important for quick learning.
All international participants must check visa eligibility rules as per their local embassies and request for necessary documents. Organizers will provide invite letter on request.
Travel and Accommodation costs (if applicable) are to be borne by each participant themselves.
// About GVS
GLOBAL VISITING SCHOOL (GVS) is an offshoot of rat[LAB]EDUCATION that delves into a global dialogue on Design Technology, Parametric Design & Computational Design applied in domains of architecture, art, fashion and material sciences through curation of workshops, training programmes, talks and symposiums across various geographical territories. GVS (Global Visiting School) collaborates with independent organizations, domain experts, universities and visionary institutions to engage in a dialogue on Design Technology through various mediums. Having a vast global footprint in countries such as UK, USA, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, Egypt, Philippines, Ukraine, Belarus and India, GVS continues to expand through independently organized workshops and lecture series in various cities across the globe to create a singular network of researchers, computational designers and technology experts that directly and indirectly contribute to the evolving parent organization rat[LAB]. rat[LAB]EDUCATION is headquartered in New Delhi and has successfully organized 125+ national-level workshops in India with over 2000+ students and professionals of architecture and design as its core participants through Summer-Winter School programmes. It also co-heads Smart Labs, a 6-month part-time programme on Computational Design in India which has 150+ students spread across 6 batches. GVS aims to inculcate a collaborative and open-learning culture by evolving an open-source knowledge base for all and democratising design technology education.
// About the founder
Sushant Verma (M.Arch. Em.Tech. – AA London, B.Arch. SSAA New Delhi, MCoA India) is a Design Entrepreneur, Architect, Computational Designer & Educator, currently leading rat[LAB] Studio (Research in Architecture and Technology) that investigates intersections of design, art & technology through architecture, interior design and art installations. Former architect at Zaha Hadid Architects, London & a Sr. Editor at Arch2O, he has held teaching positions at a number of universities internationally & is involved in education for computation & parametric design. He is the founder of rat[LAB] EDUCATION, which is an initiative to spread the idea of computation in design through independently-organized design workshops for profession and academia. Recipient of MAK Schindler Award from Vienna & Los Angeles and a finalist for AIA Emerging Leaders Fellowship from Chicago, his work is widely published and exhibited in London, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, San Francisco, Taipei, New Delhi, Mumbai among other places. He has been shortlisted in New Delhi among 5 architects for ’20 under 35’ Exhibition at Alliance Francaise de Delhi, featured as iGen 2017 Top 50 Gen-Next Designers in India, tagged as ‘Rising Star’ by Surfaces Reporter India, among other features. Sushant joined the elite list of TEDx Speakers by speaking at TEDxGurugram on ‘Smart Cities need Smarter Design Education’. His second TEDxTalk was recently given at the prestigious IIT KGP where he inspired the young professionals to pursue their passions in Design & Technology. He was recently selected to be a MentorOfChange for Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) by NITI Aayog (National Institute for Transforming India), a policy think tank by Government of India where he shares his knowledge of design technologies to school students pursuing high school education to inculcate a culture of innovation and R&D in India. He also started and currently heads Smart Labs – India’s first 6 month hybrid programme on Computational Design that blends studio learning and e-learning using a technology-oriented approach. His third TEDxTalk was delivered at IIT Bhubaneswar on Diffusion of Technology in Architecture.
rat[LAB]EDUCATION: education@rat-lab.org
*Kindly use LONDON METAVERSE WORKSHOP 2022 in Subject Line, for any queries.